ANTARA FOTO/Muhammad Adimaja/nym/pri

KPK To Immediately Execute SYL After MA Rejects Cassation

Wednesday, 05 Mar 2025

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will soon execute former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) after the Supreme Court (MA) decided to reject the cassation appeal regarding his 12-year prison sentence in a corruption case within the Ministry of Agriculture in 2020–2023. 

"With this decision, the case has permanent legal force, so that the person concerned will then undergo a corporal punishment and payment of replacement money as an additional punishment according to the decision of the panel of judges. Unless there is an extraordinary legal remedy (judicial review/PK)," said KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika when confirmed in Jakarta, Sunday. Tessa said the KPK appreciated the verdict of the panel of judges on the cassation with the defendant SYL. 

The KPK also expressed its appreciation to the parties who have provided data and information support, so that the handling of this case can be carried out effectively. 

In addition to providing a deterrent effect, the punishment of payment of replacement money is also an instrument in increasing asset recovery. In this case mode, extortion in office is also one of the focuses of corruption prevention carried out by the KPK in the ASN management area. Furthermore, the KPK hopes that corrective measures can be taken immediately so that criminal acts of corruption like this do not happen again. 

For information, the Supreme Court (MA) decided to reject the cassation application of former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) in a corruption case within the Ministry of Agriculture in 2020-2023 so that his sentence remains 12 years in prison as per the appeal decision. "Reject the revision. Reject the defendant's cassation, with revisions regarding the editorial of the imposition of replacement money on the defendant," said an excerpt from the cassation decision Number 1081 K/PID.SUS/2025 quoted from the official website of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta, Friday. Although rejecting SYL's cassation request, the cassation panel decided to make improvements related to the wording of the replacement money sentence so that it reads in full: 

"Sentencing the defendant to pay Replacement Money of Rp44,269,777,204.00 plus 30,000 US dollars, minus the amount of money confiscated in this case which was later declared confiscated for the state, subsidiary to 5 years in prison." 

The cassation decision was decided on Friday by Supreme Court Justice Yohanes Priyana as chairman of the panel accompanied by two members, Arizon Mega Jaya and Noor Edi Yono, and Setia Sri Mariana as substitute clerk. "The case has been decided, currently in the process of being minuted by the panel," said the case status statement. At the appeal level, the Jakarta High Court increased SYL's sentence to 12 years in prison, a fine of Rp500 million, subsidiary to four months in prison, and compensation of Rp44,269,777,204 plus US$30,000, subsidiary to 5 years in prison. 


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