The Indonesian Express
WINGS Group Indonesia has launched the "GenerasiBersihSehat" campaign through the WINGS for UNICEF program to support adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in schools. This initiative is in line with the government's target to provide 100% WASH services to all children by 2030 and Indonesia Emas 2045. The first installment of the WINGS for UNICEF "GenerasiBersihSehat" campaign will be carried out in collaboration with SoKlin, a trusted brand for laundry and floor cleanliness, highlighting the importance of WASH access and healthy hygiene behavior in schools to create a clean and healthy environment for children to play and learn. According to the School Sanitation Profile data for 2022 released by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), 71% of educational units or approximately 27 million children in Indonesia have limited WASH services, and only 28% have access to basic WASH services. To address this issue, the government has implemented policy reforms, increased the capacity of school principals and teachers, and allocated budgets for sanitation facilities. The government has also integrated Environmental Health into the five focus areas of the Healthy School Movement (Nutrition, Physical Health, Immunization, Mental Health, and Environmental Health) to create a safe and quality learning environment. Environmental health is closely related to children's health and affects their learning outcomes in school. The focus on Environmental Health aims to improve school conditions that support children in practicing healthy hygiene behavior, enabling them to grow and develop optimally and achieve good learning outcomes. Muhammad Zainal, the WASH Specialist for UNICEF Indonesia, emphasizes the importance of realizing a Healthy Environment by striving for adequate sanitation in schools. "School sanitation is the first step in creating a healthy and safe learning environment, closely related to children's health. Clean and healthy behaviors in schools have been proven to reduce absenteeism by up to 50 percent. Therefore, sanitation facilities and services in schools must meet technical infrastructure standards, maintain cleanliness, provide privacy for students, and be supported by hygiene promotion in schools." WINGS for UNICEF, together with SoKlin, believes that cleanliness is a shared responsibility. Children, parents, teachers, everyone has their own role in creating a Clean Healthy Generation. Joanna Elizabeth Samuel, Marketing Manager of SoKlin, says, "Our focus is to emphasize the importance of starting everything with cleanliness. Because with 'Starting from Cleanliness,' children can achieve whatever aspirations they have and become a Clean Healthy Generation, a winning generation that moves forward limitlessly." This campaign program will focus on advocating for hygiene promotion by implementing the B3ST Steps, which are Clean Clothes, Clean Hands, Clean Body, Healthy Protected. Activities will be presented in an engaging manner by optimizing the role of young doctors in schools, showcasing the abilities of students, and various other interesting educational events that will involve teachers and parents. Aceh and South Sulawesi have been chosen as the first locations to be visited. WINGS for UNICEF, along with SoKlin, hopes that the selected schools will serve as examples and inspire other regions to implement hygiene promotion with the B3ST Steps wherever they are.