The Indonesian Express
Clinical nutrition specialist doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Mulianah Daya shared tips for undergoing a comfortable diet. She explained that diet is part of a lifestyle, this refers to the origin of the word diet itself comes from Greek, namely diaita which means 'a way of life'. Diet is not only about the food consumed, but also about habits and how a person chooses, organizes, and consumes food that supports long-term health. "This diet is part of a lifestyle, which means that eating patterns and eating habits must be part of a person's daily routine," said Mulianah, quoted on Wednesday (5/3). In undergoing a comfortable diet, she said it is important to pay attention to good taste or good taste on the tongue. "If the diet is not comfortable, the effect can affect mood. The perception of taste is subjective. The point is, any diet must first be in terms of good taste," she said.