Foto: Ilustrasi. (Getty Images/maroot sudchinda)

Doctor: Exercise Is Still Necessary During The Fasting Month

Thursday, 06 Mar 2025

Sports Medicine Specialist Dr. Andhika Respati said that during the fasting month, exercise is still needed by the body, be it cardio training or weight training and flexibility training. 

"We still need to train cardio, we still need weight training or muscle training and we also need flexibility training. For flexibility, maybe there shouldn't be an issue, because stretching exercises are not too tiring, meaning they are not too heavy in terms of intensity and do not cause dehydration," he told ANTARA in Jakarta, Monday. 

However, he continued, what should be considered is cardio training and weight training. 

He said that during the fasting month, there are several choices of time that can be used to do exercises, namely in the morning after sahur before breaking the fast or after breaking the fast. "And that means it depends on the person and there are indeed several things that need to be considered," he added, 

According to him, doing sports after sahur has advantages, namely that the body's energy and fluid reserves are still abundant, but you need to be careful when choosing sports that make you sweat a lot because this will backfire on the body. So if you are going to exercise in the morning, he suggests doing exercise with tricks so as not to sweat too much, for example exercising in an air-conditioned place, with thin clothing so that the sweat that comes out is not excessive and is not prone to dehydration until the afternoon. 

Meanwhile, if you are going to exercise before breaking the fast, you can choose light exercise that does not require a lot of sugar so that afterwards you can use fat as a source of energy. "Also after you are finished you can drink, so if you want to make it a little sweaty for a little longer, that's okay as long as it's not too much because the higher the intensity, it is feared that you will need more sugar which is already thinner in the body," he said. 

However, exercising after breaking the fast, you must also consider the time for worship, whether you will worship at the mosque or not, so that the duration of exercise is another consideration. 

Meanwhile, if you do exercise after the tarawih prayer which usually finishes at night, it is feared that it will cause a lack of sleep because the bedtime is delayed and you have to wake up later for sahur. 

"So it's better if you want to do it after breaking the fast, make time before tarawih," he concluded. 


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