The Indonesian Express
A clinical nutrition specialist who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, dr. Mulianah Daya, M.Gizi, Sp.GK said that following a wrong or extra and unhealthy diet can cause Yo-yo syndrome. According to her, Yo-yo syndrome refers to fluctuations in weight that go up and down in a short time. "Yo-yo means that within 1 year there will be a weight connection, weight increases by 5 kilos, decreases by 5 kilos in less than 3 months and that happens 2-3 times. That category is called Yo-yo," said dr. Mulianah Daya, M.Gizi, Sp.GK in the discussion "Diet Must Be Comfortable", in Jakarta, Thursday. In this case, Doctor Mulianah gave an example if someone weighs 60 kilograms (kg) with around 20 fat, then he gains weight to 80 kg and his fat increases (for example from 20 to 40). Then it went down again to 60 kg and the fat remained 40. This is because what is reduced is not the amount of fat, but only the size of the fat becomes smaller. "So the fat cells can experience hypertrophy (increase in cell size) and also hyperplasia (increase in the number of cells) increasing in number and size. This is what is scary about Yo-yo," he said. He explained that fat in the body can enter anywhere, such as entering organs, which are called visceral fat or belly fat. In this case, belly fat is not only under the skin of the stomach, but also includes inside the organs, especially in the liver, pancreas, where it is dangerous if not controlled. "The more we Yo-yo or the more we gain weight. The diet is not maintained, the weight is not maintained, we not only accumulate fat, but the fat is difficult to lose (internal fat)," he said. Furthermore, Doctor Mulianah added that according to several studies, someone who experiences Yo-yo can increase the risk of heart disease. "Patients who experience Yo-yo or excessive fat mass accumulation, hypertrophy and fat hyperplasia, their cardiovascular risk can be 1.5 times higher than those who do not Yo-yo," he said.