The Indonesian Express
Being a parent in the digital era has its advantages because access to information has become very easy. However, it also brings many challenges, especially for millennial parents who are now giving birth to Generation Alpha children, those born between 2010 and 2025. According to data from the 2020 Population Census released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), 54% of Indonesia's population is dominated by young people, namely the Millennial and Generation Z, who are now starting to raise Generation Alpha as Indonesia's Golden Generation in 2045. Generation Alpha, who are familiar with technology, will be exposed to a lot of information, both positive and negative. This can have an impact on their behavior and way of thinking in social situations. With the development of technology, Generation Alpha tends to become a generation that is indifferent to others and even becomes more temperamental and difficult to control. Quoting from the journal "Parenting Support for Early Childhood in the Use of Digital Technology", one of the efforts parents can make in educating their children in the digital era is by providing guidance in the use of technology for children. Early childhood faces its own challenges as this is the period when children undergo the process of forming their basic character. Whatever happens during this period will have an impact on the child and will carry over into their future. Therefore, parental upbringing is very important in shaping a child's character through the cultivation of values such as empathy, responsibility, emotional regulation, and etiquette, so that Generation Alpha is equipped enough to compete in the future without forgetting the values and norms that apply in society. Samanta explained that Gentle Parenting can help parents in building children's emotional and social characters. Gentle parenting is a parenting style that prioritizes empathy, respect, understanding, initiative, without coercion, and setting boundaries. "The information absorbed by parents and children in the digital era can influence the development of the child itself. Emotional management skills are an important factor in building a resilient character in children. Especially to protect themselves from the negative impacts of technological advancements. Gentle Parenting can help children to regulate and control their emotions well, as well as help cultivate empathy towards others," explained Samanta. Audrey Gandadjaja, Managing Director Brand Portfolio & Communication MY BABY added, "MY BABY as a trusted brand for mothers, not only presents a complete range and innovative products for baby and child care, but also is committed to equipping mothers in raising children to be ready for the future. Through MY BABY Momversity with the theme #RaisingFutureReadyKids this year, MY BABY wants parents to be more confident in applying the right parenting style to instill the values and skills needed by Generation Alpha children to have good social-emotional characters, resilience, and readiness to compete." In addition to classes on Gentle Parenting by Samanta, MY BABY Momversity also offers other classes such as Sensory Play which will help children practice problem-solving skills and increase independence, as well as Fun Science Workshop to sharpen curiosity and enhance creative thinking abilities. Not only that, this year MY BABY Momversity also reaches more mothers in Indonesia by conducting Roadshows in major cities such as Medan, Surabaya, and Jakarta.