The Indonesian Express
The Indonesian government in 2025 is preparing to auction the 1.4 GHz frequency in creating equitable connectivity, which means connectivity that is easily accessible and has an affordable price. In a discussion entitled "Frequency Auction, For Whom?", which was attended in Jakarta, Monday, the Coordinator of Digital Infrastructure Implementation Policy of the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kemkomdigi) Benny Elian ensured that the auction of this spectrum is also useful for increasing the penetration of fixed networks or fixed broadband in Indonesia. "Indeed, we want to ensure, try, yes, fixed broadband can be available more cheaply to the public, well this is one of the goals of the 1.4 GHz band being auctioned," said Benny. According to him, currently, in addition to preparing the advanced mechanism regarding the auction, the Ministry of Communication and Digital's team is currently conducting interest gathering and of the 10 telecommunications providers in Indonesia, seven providers have shown interest in participating in this auction. So far, the 1.4 GHz frequency spectrum that will be auctioned is prepared to receive a bandwidth of 80 MHz and is expected to be able to provide internet services with speeds of up to 100 mbps when the spectrum is used. Responding to this condition, the Head of the National Telematics Infrastructure Division of the Indonesian Telematics Society (Mastel) Sigit Puspito Wigati Jarot said that there are several things that the government, especially the Ministry of Communication and Digital, must pay attention to before actually holding the 1.4 GHz spectrum auction. One of the highlights is related to the certainty of regulations that must differentiate between existing mobile broadband services and services that will be provided through the 1.4 GHz spectrum. Starting from speed standards to price standards that will be given later, they need to be determined carefully so that each industry does not erode each other. "We must not think that this is the same as regulations for cellular, nor must we think that it is the same as fiber optic regulations. So friends at the Ministry of Communication and Digital, must be careful here," said Sigit. In addition to ensuring different regulations for the use of technology, Sigit also touched on business models that can be applied to maximize the frequency spectrum. He said that one that Indonesia could adopt is a business model called a community network.