IPC TPK Collaborates With North Jakarta Prosecutor's Office To Reinforce Anti-Corruption Commitment At The Port

Friday, 06 Dec 2024

To celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) 2024 on December 9, IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK, a subsidiary of Pelindo Terminal Petikemas, is partnering with the North Jakarta Prosecutor's Office to promote an anti-corruption movement in the port area. An anti-corruption socialization event through a focus group discussion will address the theme of Bribery Risks, Gratification Due to the Rise of Online Loans (Pinjol), Online Gambling (Judol), and Their Legal Impacts, attended by over 200 port stakeholders.

Guna Mulyana, the President Director of IPC TPK, emphasized in his speech the need for a collective commitment from all port stakeholders to agree on being anti-corruption. He hopes this event will enhance ideas and knowledge about the forms of corruption.

The focus group discussion was held in a hybrid format, involving workers, partners, vendors, and service users from six IPC TPK work areas. The event featured speakers such as the Head of the North Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, Dandeni Herdiana, S.H., M.H., and the Head of Civil and State Administrative Affairs, Wahyu Oktaviandi, S.H., M.H., who discussed the Implementation of Anti-Bribery Management, explaining the understanding and legal consequences surrounding bribery, gratification, online loans, and online gambling.

During this event, IPC TPK management also introduced updates to the Whistleblowing System and Gratification Control for Pelindo Group based on ISO 37001:2016, which is integrated with the Whistleblowing System channel of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Aroma).

"Corruption is not a new issue. The Prosecutor's Office continues to communicate through various activities like FGD as a preventive measure. Online loans and gambling can lead to bribery. Some cases handled by the Prosecutor's Office show that gambling and online loans are often linked to corrupt actions."

Through the Hakordia alert, we are encouraged to be more vigilant. Thanks to IPC TPK for facilitating this activity that supports the government's program to combat corruption and bribery in any form, and to strengthen the commitment to create a corruption-free port," concluded the Head of the North Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Dandeni Herdiana.

IPC TPK is committed to proactively communicating the anti-corruption and gratuity movement as a preventive measure in container loading and unloading activities. IPC TPK regularly holds socialization events. Previously, in 2022, IPC TPK collaborated with the North Jakarta Police and the Corruption Eradication Commission to promote anti-corruption and gratuity awareness, attended by hundreds of operational workers across the IPC TPK work area.


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